In NAVADMIN 008/23 the Navy updated the parental leave policy to include 12 weeks of parental leave
following qualifying events in accordance with the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 and
DTM 23-001 released on January 4, 2023.
Who needs to know?
All Active Component (active duty Sailors and Training and Administration of the Reserve (TAR) Sailors)
Reserve Component Sailors (with some restrictions see DTM 23-001 and NAVADMIN 008/23)
Triads, Chiefs Mess
What you need to know key points
In NAVADMIN 008/23, the Navy announced an update to the parental leave policy that extended
parental leave to 12 weeks after the birth, adoption, or accepted placement of a child for long-term
foster care. Parental leave must be taken within the one-year period after the qualifying event.
Navy family members are an integral part of our Navy Force, and the parental leave policy updates
provide needed time for our Navy families to bond. In most cases, Sailors who experience qualifying
events, like birth, adoption, will be authorized 12 weeks of parental leave to care for their newborn,
adopted or placed child or children.
Commanding officers are encouraged to allow eligible Sailors to take the full 12 weeks consecutively or
in increments and are authorized to extend the one-year period if parental leave must me deferred due
to deployment or some other circumstances listed in the DTM.
This policy applies to Sailors who experience a qualified event (birth, adoption, long-term foster care
placement) on or after Dec. 27, 2022. This policy also applies to Sailors who had at least some unused
caregiver leave (under the previous policy) on Dec. 27, 2022. In such cases, the Sailor is authorized a
total of 12 weeks of parental leave as described in the DTM and NAVADMIN, which must be approved
by the CO.
Sample POD/POW Notes
PARENTAL LEAVE UPDATE The Navy announced an update to the parental leave policy that extended
parental leave to 12 weeks after the birth, adoption, or accepted placement of a child for long-term
foster care. Parental leave must be taken within the one-year period after the qualifying event. See
DTM 23-001 and NAVADMIN 008/23 for more information.
PARENTAL LEAVE POLICY UPDATE In most cases, Sailors who experience qualifying events, like
birth, adoption, or long-term foster care placement will be now be authorized 12 weeks of parental
leave to care for their newborn, adopted or placed child or children. See DTM
23-001 and NAVADMIN 008/23.
NON-BIRTH PARENT LEAVE POLICY UPDATE - Non-birth parents are now
authorized 12 weeks of parental leave within one year after the birth of their
child. See DTM 23-001 and NAVADMIN 008/23 for more information.
Q. Who is eligible for this policy?
A. This NAVADMIN applies to all Active Component (AC) members, Reserve
Navy Parental Leave Update Fact Sheet
POC: OPNAV N130C | 703-604-5475| [email protected]
February 2023
Component (RC) members who perform Full-time active duties for longer than 12 months
consecutively, and RC members performing duty under a call or order to active service for
more than 12 months consecutively when any one of the following events occurs on or
after 27 December 2022: a member or their spouse gives birth to their child, qualified
adoption of a minor child by the member, or placement of a minor child with the member
for adoption or long-term foster care.
Q. What date for a qualifying event makes me eligible for the expanded policy?
A. Active component members and some Reserve members who experienced a qualifying event (birth,
adoption, long-term foster placement) on or after Dec. 27, 2022 are eligible for expanded parental leave. This
policy also applies to Sailors who had at least some unused caregiver leave (under the previous policy) on Dec.
27, 2022. In such cases, the Sailor is authorized a total of 12 weeks of parental leave as described in the DTM
and NAVADMIN, which must be approved by the CO.
Q. What is considered a qualifying event?
A. Qualifying events include: a Sailor or their spouse gives birth to their child, qualified adoption of a minor
child by the Sailor, or placement of a minor child with the Sailor for adoption or long-term foster care.
Q. How do I submit the request in NSIPS?
A. Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) is being updated to reflect expanded Military Parental
Leave. Until the update is complete, follow this procedure:
Select Primary Caregiver Leave (PCL) and the appropriate absence reason in block 12a. If the parental
leave is for placement of a child in long-term foster care, the absence reason is to be left blank.
Requests for parental leave that exceed 42 days must be submitted as separate PCL periods.
Leave approvers are responsible for ensuring parental leave is approved within the limits outlined in
this DTM and NAVADMIN to include maintaining record of a members parental leave balance for each
qualifying event.
Q. How much parental leave time is a birth parent authorized?
A. Birth parents are authorized 12 weeks of parental leave within one year after the birth of their child. Parental
leave will be taken following any period of convalescent leave.
Q. How much parental leave are non-birth parents authorized?
A. Non-birth parents are authorized 12 weeks of parental leave within one year after the birth of their child.
Q. Does the non-birth parent parental leave apply to children born outside of marriage?
A. Yes, but proof of parentage must be established. Proof of parentage may include, being listed, with consent,
as a parent on the birth certificate of the child, acknowledgment in writing to support the child, registration or
pending registration in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS).
Q. What amount of parental leave is authorized for adoption or placement for adoption?
A. Navy service members, including dual-military couples, are authorized 12 weeks of parental leave for each
service member within one year of placement of a minor child with the member for adoption, or the date of
adoption of a minor child by the service member.
Q. What amount of parental leave is authorized for long-term foster care placement?
A. Navy service members, including dual-military couples, are authorized 12 weeks of parental leave for each
service member within one year of placement of a minor child for long-term foster care or permanent foster
care with the service member.
Q. What happens if a service member has multiple qualifying events?
A. Multiple qualifying events that happen within 72 hours are treated as one event. Multiple qualifying events
that happen outside of 72 hours are generally treated as separate events. See DTM 23-001
and NAVADMIN 008/23 for more information.
Q. Can I take parental leave in separate periods or do I have to take it all at one time?
A. Service members may take parental leave in one continuous period or in 7- day
increments and can be combined with ordinary leave, however, parental leave must be taken within one year
after the qualifying event.
Q. What if my CO denies my request for incremental parental leave?
A. The Navy encourages commanding officers to authorize requests for incremental periods of parental leave.
If commanding officers disapprove incremental parental leave, Sailors may appeal the decision through the
Immediate Superior in Command (ISIC) of their unit. The submission process will be at the ISIC’s discretion.
Q. Can I take parental leave in conjunction with ordinary leave?
A. Yes, Sailors may take ordinary leave consecutively with parental leave.
Q. What if I’m deployed? Can I still take parental leave?
A. The Navy will normally require deployed Sailors or Sailors who are expected to deploy within three months
to defer some or all parental leave until the deployment concludes. However, commanding officers are
authorized to approve parental leave in these situations if they determine command readiness will not be
adversely impacted.
If parental leave deferred due to deployment extends the member beyond the one-year parental leave period,
the one-year period is extended on a day for day basis.
Q. What if I don’t use my parental leave within the one-year period?
A. Sailors who do not use parental leave within their one-year period or by their separation from active service
(whichever comes first) will forfeit any remaining parental leave, with the exception of Sailors who were
required to defer parental leave due to deployment and whose commanding officer has authorized an
Q. Can parental leave be transferred?
A. No, parental leave may not be transferred.
Q. Are there any events other than deployment that would allow an extension for the one-year leave period?
A. Sailors are authorized to take parental leave after the one-year period under some additional circumstances.
See DTM 23-001 and NAVADMIN 008/23 for more details.
Q. Are Navy service members authorized to be surrogates?
A. No, Navy service members are not authorized to be a surrogate. If a non-Sailor spouse of a service member
gives birth as a surrogate, the service member is not authorized parental leave.
Q. Is a birth parent who places their newborn child up for adoption or has their parental rights severed
eligible for parental leave?
A. No. A Navy Sailor who either places their newborn child up for adoption or has their parental rights severed
is not eligible for parental leave, however, the Sailor may be authorized convalescent leave as recommended
by their DoD health care provider, in accordance with medical practice standards.
Q. Is parental leave allowed following a stillborn or miscarriage?
A. No. Parental leave is not authorized in the case of a stillborn birth or miscarriage. Instead, health care
providers may recommend convalescent leave in accordance with medical practice standards.
Q. If I have unused caregiver leave am I eligible to take the expanded parental leave?
A. Yes. If service members had unused caregiver leave on 27 December 2022, they are authorized a total of 12
weeks of parental leave, which must be approved by the CO, and combined cannot exceed a
total of 12 weeks. See DTM 23-001 for more details. PCL and SCL were mandated to be
taken in one increment under the old policy. Prior to 27 December 2022, members who
returned to work who had not used all their entitled caregiver leave days forfeited the
unused days and therefore had no unused caregiver leave on 27 December 2022.
Q. If I’m on parental leave, can I take a substitute exam?
A. Yes. Parental leave is an authorized reason for ordering a substitute exam when the leave authorized does
not permit the member to take the exam during scheduled dates.
Q. Am I required to take the PFA if I’m on parental leave?
A. Pregnant service members are deferred from the PFA in line with guidance in exiting policy. Non-birth
parents are still required to participate in physical fitness assessments.
** Additional resources for Parental Leave can be found on the OPNAV N130C website at
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